Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wild Weather

Our school is closed today :-( but Miss Browne was at school already! She has taken some photos to show you what our new lake looks like. There is quite a bit of flooding around and it was too dangerous in the wind and rain for children to get to school! We also want to say sorry to our new Quadblogging friends who sent us a comment yesterday - we won't be able to answer it until tomorrow when we are all allowed back at school, but thanks for leaving us a comment. We are looking forward to having a good look at what you do at your school! How many ducks can you see?


  1. We can see 8 ducks. It is sad that you fellas can't go to school (Tuakana). We hope you go back to school and learn more (Robbie).

  2. We only had one day off school and all the ducks had gone away. We are back doing lots of learning.
